Animated Films

No Tricks
(Keine Tricks)
13:14 Minutes
Idea, Drawings: Matthias Beckmann
Music: Johannes Schlichting
Compositing: Walter Lennertz
Double World
8 Minutes
Idea, Drawings: Matthias Beckmann
Sound: Dirk Schaefer
Compositing: Matthias Daenschel
Atlas of Anatomy
(Atlas der Anatomie)
4:02 Minutes
Idea, Drawings, Speaker: Matthias Beckmann
Sound: Dirk Schaefer
Editing: Matthias Daenschel

This and that and other things too
8:52 Minutes
Idea, Drawings: Matthias Beckmann
Music: Adrian Rovatkay
Musicians: Adrian Rovatkay, Gergely Bodoky, Christine Rosin and Patrick Sepec played the piano, the flute, the violin and the cello
Sound: Manou Bouillon
Compositing: Matthias Daenschel

Jean Patou
5:51 minutes
Idea, drawings: Matthias Beckmann
Music: Catherine Lorent
Film technique: Matthias Daenschel